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With a thin needle, your own #Platelet-#Rich #Plasma (#PRP) is injected into the scalp. Then the growth factors in your blood cells do their job and hair growth is naturally stimulated.

#PRP #Hair #Restoration is suitable for both men and women. It is a state of the art, non surgical, totally natural, alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. It is an injectable treatment which uses the patient’s own blood.

Our blood plasma (PRP) contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth. Helping to restore one’s confidence, the end result is a fuller, healthier looking head of hair.

The cost of PRP treatment can be considerable, as more sessions may be needed to obtain the desired result.

PRP is also being used in conjunction with some hair transplant procedures.
At this time there is not yet clinical proof that it works, but the results are very promising.

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